Ah, another day, another trendy gig to pursue – becoming a tool reviewer. You’ve probably seen countless influencers and bloggers flaunting their brand-new tools, claiming to be experts in their niche. But is it all just a facade? Let’s dive into this seemingly glamorous world and uncover the realities of becoming a tool reviewer.

What Companies Offer Product Testing?

  1. Influenster: Influenster offers free products for testing and review, covering a wide range of categories such as beauty, food, and household items. Users can qualify for VoxBoxes containing various products based on their interests and engagement on the platform;
  2. BzzAgent: BzzAgent is a word-of-mouth marketing company that offers product testing campaigns to their members. Participants receive free products to try and share their honest opinions with friends and family;
  3. Smiley360: Similar to BzzAgent, Smiley360 provides product testing opportunities and free samples to its members, who then share their experiences and opinions through social media and other channels;
  4. SampleSource: SampleSource offers free product samples from various brands to its members. They periodically release sample boxes with products ranging from personal care to household items;
  5. PINCHme: PINCHme is a product sampling platform that sends out free samples to its members on Sample Tuesdays. Users can choose the products they are interested in and provide feedback after trying them;
  6. Product Testing USA: This website connects users with companies looking for product testers. Members receive free products in exchange for honest reviews.

1. Identify Your “Passion” and “Expertise”

So, you want to become a tool reviewer, huh? First things first, you need to find your so-called “passion” and “expertise.” Apparently, choosing a niche within the tool reviewing domain is essential. After all, why bother reviewing all kinds of tools when you can stick to one?

Seriously though, do you really need to be obsessed with tools to review them? How about just being an informed and critical consumer? While having some interest in the tools you review can be beneficial, it’s not like you have to be head over heels in love with them. After all, who needs another review from someone who’s overly enthusiastic about every single product they get their hands on? Sometimes, the most honest and valuable reviews come from those who can provide a fresh perspective without being clouded by blind admiration.

2. Build a “Knowledge Base”

Next up, they say you have to build a knowledge base. Sure, learning about different tools and their applications might sound like a good idea. But honestly, who has the time for that?

If you’re really into tools, you’d probably be using them, not just reading about them all day. While staying informed is essential, don’t get caught up in the idea that you need to be an expert in every aspect of tool technology. Remember, as a reviewer, your primary role is to assess how these tools perform in real-world situations, not to become an encyclopedia of tool knowledge.

3. Start a Blog or YouTube Channel

Oh, great! Now you have to start a blog or a YouTube channel. Because, of course, the world desperately needs another tool reviewer on the internet. As if there aren’t already thousands of them flooding the web.

But hey, who cares if you have something unique to offer, right? Just add to the noise. Before you plunge into the abyss of online tool reviewing, take a moment to consider what you can bring to the table. Is there something distinctive about your approach? Maybe you have a knack for humor or a down-to-earth writing style that sets you apart. Find your unique voice, and remember, authenticity goes a long way in capturing and retaining an audience.

4. Build an Audience

Alright, now you have your blog or channel. Time to build an audience. Get ready to bombard your friends and family with links, spam every social media platform, and hope that someone actually cares about what you have to say.

Good luck standing out in the overcrowded realm of tool reviewing. Building an audience takes time and effort. While you might be tempted to use every trick in the book to gain followers, it’s crucial to focus on organic growth and meaningful engagement. Seek out online communities and forums where people discuss tools and share your content there. Engage with your audience genuinely, respond to their comments, and create a sense of community around your reviews.

5. Approach Brands and Companies

Now comes the fun part – approaching brands and companies for review opportunities. Brace yourself for countless rejections or, if you’re “lucky,” some generic products sent your way.

Who knows if they’re even worth reviewing? But hey, free stuff, right? While receiving free products might sound enticing, be wary of companies that expect nothing but glowing reviews in return. Remember, your audience trusts you to provide unbiased and honest assessments. Stay true to your values and only partner with brands that align with your principles.

6. Provide Honest and Balanced Reviews

Honesty? Balance? In a world full of paid sponsorships and hidden agendas? Good luck with that! Brace yourself for potential backlash from companies if you dare speak a negative word about their precious tools.

Remember, your credibility is only as good as your ability to appease the brands. It’s essential to establish a reputation for unbiased reviews, even if it means occasionally delivering less-than-stellar feedback. Your audience will appreciate your candor, and over time, your credibility will grow, making your reviews all the more valuable.

7. Monetize Your Platform

Ah, the moment you’ve been waiting for – monetization! Time to start cashing in on your “hard work.” But be warned, monetizing your platform might come at a cost – your authenticity.

Once you start making money, it’s tempting to sugarcoat your reviews to keep those paychecks coming. While it’s understandable to want to make a living from your passion, tread carefully when it comes to monetization. Disclose any sponsored content clearly, and never compromise your integrity for financial gain. Your audience’s trust is your most valuable asset, and once that’s lost, it’s challenging to regain.


Becoming a tool reviewer might sound enticing, but let’s face it – it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. You’ll have to navigate through a sea of sameness, maintain your integrity in the face of temptation, and somehow stand out in an oversaturated market.

So, before you dive into this “glamorous” world, think twice about whether you’re genuinely passionate about tools or just chasing after the allure of internet fame and freebies. Remember, authenticity and honesty will be your greatest allies on your journey as a tool reviewer. Stay true to yourself, and who knows, you might just carve out a niche that’s truly worth exploring.